wx.chooseImage({ count: 3, sizeType: ['original'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success (res) { // tempFilePath可以作为img标签的src属性显示图片 const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; this.setData({ imgPaths:tempFilePaths }); }, fail(err){ } }); }, |
VM6263:1 thirdScriptError Cannot read property 'setData' of undefined;at api chooseImage success callback function TypeError: Cannot read property 'setData' of undefined at success ( at Function.o.<computed> (WAService.js:1:1116874) at Object.success (WAService.js:1:102889) at r (WAService.js:1:418891) at WAService.js:1:419068 at v (WAService.js:1:419077) at WAService.js:1:420485 at t.<anonymous> ( at WAService.js:1:102889 at WAService.js:1:90451 |
//上传图片 uploadImg:function(event){ //1.选择图片 var _this=this; //如果想要在下面的success回调函数中使用全局this对象,这里需要进行变量转换。 wx.chooseImage({ count: 3, sizeType: ['original'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success (res) { const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; _this.setData({ imgPaths:tempFilePaths }); }, fail(err){ } }); }, |
//上传图片 uploadImg:function(event){ //1.选择图片 // var _this=this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 3, sizeType: ['original'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success :res=> { //如果使用箭头函数,回调函数内就可以直接使用this对象,因为this已经继承了uploadImg的全局this对象 const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; this.setData({ imgPaths:tempFilePaths }); }, fail:err=>{ } }); }, |